Grazzi Sinjur Alla ghal dak kollu li ghogbok taghtini u ahfirli sinjur Alla ghax jiena midinba. Mulej kun mieghi ghax ghandi bzonnok u minghajrek ma jien kapaci naghmel xejn. Hawn hu x-xejn tieghi Mulej. Hudni f’idejk. Grazzi Mulej. Ejja Spirtu Mqaddes, dawwalni u urini fejn ghandi nimxi fid-dawl tiegheK.

I’m grateful for our Heavenly father, for his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, without them our lives make no sense. Thank you Lord. May our world and all people find you and find peace. God Bless our family please.

Thank you Lord for every breath, every heartbeat. Life is beautiful. Pray for my family.


Meraviglioso! Sono entrata durante l’Adorazione….che momento intense di preghiera! Grazie Signore! Francesca

Such an inspirational experience! feeding my spiritual need in a new exciting way. This is just beautiful! Thanks so much!

What a wonderful peaceful place. So lovely to find somewhere so welcoming. A true gem. May Peace and Love be with one and all!

Thank you for this beautiful serene place in the midst of the hussle and buzzle. I Love you Lord Jesus!

Thank you for having our Lord in this beautiful chapel for us to worship and find peace!

We were guided to Malta and found an inner peace.

A beautiful and uplifting experience! 

May the Lord grant the peace and strength to all those in need. Please open our minds to your will.

Thank you for bringing me peace and God today. And for keeping me sober another day.

A haven of peace and prayer in the midst of our busy day. Thank you. May God bless the ministry here.

Jesus my Lord, you are so wonderful and always full of surprises for which I thank you profoundly. I love you.


Thank you dear Lord, for giving us a new grandchild and thank you that all went well!

Thank you God for my parents who love me very much. Love you Jesus with all my heart. 

Mulej Gesu’ zomm idejk fuq il-familja tieghi. Gesu’ Ewkaristija kun inti l-ferh u l-hena ta’ hajti kollha.


Thank you Lord for the 7 years of blessed marriage! Thank you Lord for our life!


Please God help us to love each other for the rest of our lives.

God loves us all irrespective of the coulour of our skin or race.


God pray for the thieves to become good. (Gianluca 7 years old)

God provides us with what we need not with what we want!!

Thank you Lord for every breath, every heartbeat. Life is beautiful. Pray for my family.

Dear God, you have created this beautiful world, please don’t let men destroy it. Bring peace, tranquillity and calm to us all. Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

Dear God, bless us so we may follow your path with a pure heart, with love and with unwavering faith and keep it real!

Dear Lord, Please take care of me during this difficult moment and support me so that I can help others in my mission.



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