The Millennium Chapel is run by a Foundation of lay volunteers and forms part of the Augustinian Province of Malta.
Professional people and volunteers, called “Welcomers” are participating in the operation and day to day running of the Chapel and WoW (Wishing Others Well). 

The Chapel is open from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 a.m. all the year round except Good Friday. 

You, too, may offer your time and talent to bring peace and love in the heart of the entertainment life of Malta, or may send a small contribution so that this mission may continue in the future.

Send your cheque to : 


Branch: APS Centre, Tower Street, B'Kara

Account: The Millennium Chapel Foundation 

Account Number: 20000063588

IBAN: MT26APSB77024003743820000063588


Bank: HSBC Bank Malta plc

Branch: St. Julians

Account: The Millennium Chapel Foundation 

Account number: 002046522001

IBAN: MT89MMEB44026000000002046522001


Millennium Chapel accounts are audited each year by a Public Audit Company.


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The Chapel is open from 8.00 am until 11.00 pm all year round