Loving God,
 Open our hearts to those most in need:
 The unemployed parent worried about feeding his        or her children.
 The woman who is underpaid, harassed or                   abused.
 The Black man and woman who fear for their lives.
 The immigrant at the border, longing for safety.
 The homeless person looking for a meal.
 The LGBT teen who is bullied.
 The unborn child in the womb.
 The inmate on death row.
 Help us to be a nation where:
 Every life is sacred
 All people are loved
 And all are welcome.

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Catholic News Agency

Catholic News Agency

ACI Prensa's latest initiative is the Catholic News Agency (CNA), aimed at serving the English-speaking Catholic audience. ACI Prensa (www.aciprensa.com) is currently the largest provider of Catholic news in Spanish and Portuguese.

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